I’ve been long looking for a good online wireframing tool. So far i only found good tools for the desktop but I hate to install new desktop software. I need collaboration features just like with google documents and this is only possible with an online tool.
Sure you could use any online photoshop clone but really what i want is a tool specifically for wireframing. It makes things much easier.
So far I have only found two tools that I seriously consider. Actually one of them, creatily, is still an beta and I hope to get an invitation soon.
The other one is called iPlotz and is actually quite a good wireframe application. The only trouble is with the price point. It is quite expensive.
Check them out:
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTn31irqNCg[/youtube] [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBpoXoazIp4[/youtube]